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Road User Charging Forum

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Road User Charging Forum meets on the 16th November

The next ITS UK Road User Charging Forum will be meeting at Costain's offices in Manchester on the 16th November.


Introduction and Overview from Costain

Congestion Charging with Camera Integration - Jorgen Pederson, Director of Transport Technology, SYSTRA

Road User Charging - Reality of Fiction: A Case Study in Denmark - Martin Gubby, Business Development and Delivery Lead, Neology 

Funding the Gap: Replacing the Vehicle Fuel Tax with What? - Olivia Cairns, Decarbonisation Consultant, WSP

Free Roads and Road User Charging – Zeina Nazer, Forum Chair, University of Southampton and Cities Forum

Presentation TBC – SICE UK

Discussion – “Should there be free roads? (working title)”


16th November 2023 12:00 PM through  4:00 PM
Costain House 1500 Aviator Way Manchester Business park Manchester M22 5TG
M22 5TG
Mobile: +447472134411