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Smart Environment Forum

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Exploring issues around IoT and Smart Cities

There's no denying that IoT is playing an increasingly crucial role in the development and evolution of smart cities. By utilising IoT sensors, devices and data, cities can not only improve their infrastructure but also make it a more sustainable and environmentally friendly space for all.

Join us on the 11th July at Messagemaker in Redhill for a fascinating session, as we explore this topic of IoT and Smart Cities and how we can maximise the technology involved and promote its positive implications within an ITS framework. 

We will feature a highly varied line-up including speakers from Galliford Try and Coventry City Council, as well as Richard Gonzalez of Sensor IT and Alistair Gollop of ITS Now, providing their expert insight into IoT and its significance. 


12:00    Arrival and Lunch

Welcome and Introduction from hosts, Messagemaker
Danny Adamsom, Managing Director, Messagemaker 

Artificial Intelligence; Its role in optimising the environment             
Nathaniel Taylor, Strategic Development Director, Galliford Try

Leveraging IoT Components for Smarter Traffic Management in Cities 
Richard Gonzalez, Director of Sensor IT


Smart Cities and IoT – A Local Authority Perspective
Sunil Budhdeo, Transport Innovation Manager, Coventry City Council  

Presentation title TBC
Martin Andrews, Head of Product Management, Yunex Traffic


ITS and Smart Cities       
Alistair Gollop


What’s the future of the Climate and Environmental agenda following the outcome of the General Election?
Chaired by Stephen Hanley, Arup and Keith McCabe, Smart Environment Forum Chair and ITS UK Carbon Ambassador

Discussion - Next steps for the Forum
Led by Keith McCabe

Factory site tour

16.30    Close and Drinks (informal networking, pub nearby)

11th July 2024 12:00 PM through  4:30 PM
43 Ormside Way, Holmethorpe, Redhill

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