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Freight Forum

We’re pleased to announce that the ITS UK Freight Forum will meet at the WSP Mailbox in Birmingham on the 12 November to discuss rail freight and intermodal operations. 

Chaired by our newly appointed Freight Forum Chair, Matt Lott of WSP, we will welcome some high profile speakers across the freight industry including Go Link, Rail X, VaramisHull University and the Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport (CILT)

An agenda is below and we encourage you to register your place as soon as possible here or via the button below, on what promises to be an excellent event.



12:00 I Lunch

13.00 I Introductions from the Freight Forum Officers & WSP
Matt Lott, WSP and ITS UK Freight Forum Chair

13.10 I Go Link: How to make Express Rail Logistics work
Adam Parkinson, Founding Director, Go Link

13.25 I How technology can make the Rail industry more efficient 
Kelly Hobson, Director of Sustainability & Customer Success, Rail X

13.40 I Changes for Rail Operators
Phil Read, CEO, Varamis

13.55 I Update from CILT and a multi-modal perspective
David Turner, Deputy Chair, Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport 

14.10 I Q&A and discussion

14.30 I Break
14:45 I The Barriers to Rail Freight
Ralph Goldney, Managing Director, Rail Freight Consultancy

15.00 I Presentation title TBC
Barrie Louw, Systems and Operations Manager, Hull University

15:15 I Update from FORS
Geraint Davies, FORS Director 

15.30 I Q&A

15.45 I Panel Discussion
16.15 I Close of Event

12th November 2024 12:00 PM through  4:15 PM
The Mailbox
Wharfside Street
B1 1RQ

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