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Enforcement Forum

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Latest Enforcement technologies and updates from around the industry


The ITS UK Enforcement Forum will be meeting online on Thursday 2 November, 2-3.30pm, to hear a number of updates from the sector.

This online roundtable will provide attendees the opportunity to feed in their thoughts on a number of issues. The session will include:

  • Update on the ‘Let’s Get HOTA Working’ Campaign - Max Sugarman, Chief Executive, ITS UK
  • TfL's Compliance, Policing, Operations and Security Directorate and their role in enforcement - Bhavita Lachani, Senior Security and Enforcement Technology Manager, Transport for London 
  • Acusensus: Heads Up - update and key findings - Geoff Collins, General Manager, Acusensus
  • PACTS update on road safety - Jamie Hassall, Executive Director, PACTS 
  • Forensic Enchancement and Analysis Software to Improve Law Enforcement - Amber Riley, Sales Manager, Cubic

Please do join us for this session where we’ll be discussing the latest key issues for the sector.

2nd November 2023 2:00 PM through  3:30 PM